Ready to take action, stop climate change & build a new world?
We are too! KSEC's Just Transition Working Group is launching a new campaign. We are calling on folks who are ready to commit to making a difference to join us as we choose campaign goals and finalize our plans. If you have been curious about joining KSEC and the just transition, whether you're an experienced activist or brand new, this a great opportunity. We welcome you to join an open call at the time that is most convenient for you. All calls will be on Google Hangouts with voice and video options. During the call, we will be viewing a slideshow and will share information in the hangouts chat. The calls are:
On each call we will:
If you are unable to be on a call but would like to learn more or if you have questions, please reach out to Caci Gibson at cacigibson94@gmail (dot) com or 1-606-231-6803. KSEC is an intersectional, youth-led organization. Anti-oppression is a core principle of our organizing and we strive to create inclusive, accessible spaces. |